Which one of these is not Flammable? - ProProfs Discuss

Which one of these is not Flammable?

Lead nitrate, gallium, or zinc.

Asked by Hellimhea, Last updated: Apr 28, 2024

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C. Lopez

C. Lopez

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C. Lopez
C. Lopez, Chauffer, Chauffer, Watertown

Answered Oct 12, 2020

The only element that is not flammable out of the three substances listed here is Zinc. Although there are reports that show the flammability of zinc powder; however, zinc is not flammable compared to the two other substances listed. We can say this has contributed to the increasing rate the metal is being used when making different kinds of materials.

Zinc is used mostly as one of the constituent elements when making different kinds of alloys. If zinc itself is a flammable substance, it will not be a perfect material for making alloys. Zinc has a lot of uses; in fact, its benefits to human bodies cannot be underestimated.

Different researches have talked about the benefits of zinc in human bodies. Zinc is an important substance to the immune system. It is also needed in the body for faster wound healing, and it is also needed for certain metabolism functions.

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Answered Sep 29, 2020

The correct answer to this question is Zinc. This metal is used for the purpose of creating alloys. It can create a number of well known things such as aluminum and brass. Other popular items that use zinc are soaps, cosmetics, batteries, rubber, and paint.

The reason why zinc is versatile and is able to be used for so many things is because it is not flammable. Along with everyday products that zing uses, zinc can also be helpful for the body. For instance, if a person has diarrhea, zinc can be used to treat it as well as help the body's immunity.

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Answered Feb 05, 2020

Zinc is known to be one of the metals that are used in order to create alloys. It can be used to make brass, aluminum solder, and so much more. Zinc is also one of the ingredients used to create various products. Expect that the paint that you are using, the rubber that you use for different purposes, cosmetics, soaps, batteries, and so much more, all need zinc in order to work.

One of the reasons why it is being used for a lot of purposes is because it is not flammable. Zinc is also needed by the body for a lot of purposes. For instance, zinc can be very effective in treating diarrhea. This can also be effective in improving the immunity of the body so that it will be able to fight off diseases more.

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Answered Nov 14, 2017

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