Why are pangolin the most trafficked animal species in the world? - ProProfs Discuss

Why are pangolin the most trafficked animal species in the world?

Why are pangolin the most trafficked animal species in the world?

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Asked by E. Barnes, Last updated: Jan 11, 2025

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Answered Jan 16, 2020

The correct answer to this question is their scales. Many people have never even heard of pangolins or know what they are, but out of all animals in the world, they are the most trafficked. The reason for this is their scales. Their scales have a number of uses. For one, they can be used for fashion purposes.

The correct answer to this question is their scales. Many people have never even heard of pangolins
The scales can be used for jackets, boots, and gloves. Another use of their scales if for cuisine purposes. People in other countries like China and Japan eat pangolins as a part of the diet. The scales can also be used for medical purposes.

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Denton Perez

Denton Perez

love to pen down the thought on diverse topics.

Denton Perez
Denton Perez, Professor, High School, Utah

Answered Jan 08, 2020

It’s no news that pangolin is the most trafficked animal species in the world, but the reason why this species of animal is highly trafficked is not known to many people. Pangolins are mammal known for their scaly skin and their very long, sticky tongue. They are the only mammals in the world to be covered in protective scales. This scale is made of keratin, which is the same material found in fingernails, hair, and horn. This is the reason why this ant and termite eating animal protective scale is used for traditional Chinese medicine. However, the scale has no proven medical value.

It’s no news that pangolin is the most trafficked animal species in the world, but the reason
Pangolin meat is in high demand in Asian countries such as Vietnam and China. It is considered a special delicacy in these countries. In Africa, it is trafficked for spiritual and medicinal purposes.

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R. Tanner

R. Tanner

R. Tanner
R. Tanner

Answered Jan 02, 2020

The Pangolin is considered to be the most trafficked animal in the world. It is not because of its size or because it has antlers or horns as this animal does not have any antlers or horns. This is being trafficked because of its scales. Some say that there are places in the world wherein the scales of the Pangolin is considered to be a food item that they may eat.

Some say that the taste is very salty and also “cool” at the same time. Some people use the scales of the Pangolin in order to create various Chinese herbal medicines for different health conditions that people may have. The scales are said to reduce swelling. These are all speculations, and there is not enough proof that the scales of the Pangolin can do these things.

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N. Jarah

N. Jarah

N. Jarah
N. Jarah

Answered Dec 24, 2019

The species is commanding attention because it is believed to treat many ailments and diseases. A short time ago, this creature, which resembles a pine cone, obtained the highest level of protection against illegal trading by the convention on International Trade and Endangered Species.

The Chinese swear by the animal's blood and scales, which are believed to heal rheumatoid arthritis, inflammation, asthma, reproductive issues, and cancer. People are hunting the pangolin in places such as India, Southeast Asia, and Africa. The animal has been hunted to the point where it's in danger of becoming extinct. It was estimated that, on average, twenty tons of scales were being smuggled each year, but that figure has doubled.

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