Feudalism was the most common social system in Eurpoe during Middle Ages. Employees work for serf and little upkeep for themselves and family. Due to the rise of the middle class and the increase need of the people, the feudal system died out gradually. Hungary was one of the last feudal society in modern Europe.
It maintain feudalism till the 20th century. The system was on till 1945. The isle of Sark is a region in Europe that is believed to pass some form feudalism till today.
The feudal system began in France in the 10th century and spread to both Eastern and Western Europe during the following century. Feudalism is associated with medieval times, and had three aspects: the lord, the vassal (who fought or worked for the lord in return for land) and the fief, the land itself.
The system began to die out in Europe helped by the rise of the middle class, and the onset of the Black Death. Hungary was a late developer, remaining feudal until 1945. However, there were isolated pockets of civilisation where feudalism remained. The last of these was perhaps on the isle of Sark,which lies off South West England near to the Channel Islands.