
Russian Revolution Questions and Answers (Q&A)

Bobby Rickets, Content Reviewer
Answered: Feb 04, 2019
The Duma were the state assembly of Russia. First instituted by Tsar Nicholas II in 1905 it was intended to be an elected legislative body that, along with the State Council, made Russian law,...Read More

2 Answers

Carice Snow, Motivator
Answered: Jan 17, 2019
The White Army failed to overthrow the Bolsheviks mainly because the Bolsheviks received support from the working class of central Asia. While the Bolsheviks had Lenin as their leader, no one...Read More

2 Answers

Carice Snow, Motivator
Answered: Jan 17, 2019
The Romanov family (Tsar Nicholas II, wife, 5 children and many others) were shot in Yekaterinburg on the night of 16 – 17th July 1918 under the orders of the Ural Regional Soviet and...Read More

2 Answers

E. Austin
Answered: Jan 17, 2019
It was the October revolution, rather than the earlier March revolution that really brought about change and the institution of the Soviet Republic and it was the Bolsheviks who took power at...Read More

1 Answer

Barry Mclean, Sales Manager
Answered: Jan 22, 2019
In the late 1930s Stalin's paranoia about being the greatest and unopposed autocrat led him to carry out the most vicious and extensive extermination of anyone who might be considered an enemy or...Read More

2 Answers

W. Pratt, Marketing Analyst
Answered: Jan 22, 2019
Lenin is criticised for being late on the scene. That is, while the ordinary people were suffering greatly, leading to their desire to revolt, Lenin was in Switzerland. Although he fervently...Read More

2 Answers

W. Pratt, Marketing Analyst
Answered: Jan 22, 2019
After the October 1917 Revolution, a small group was produced for investigating threats to the Bolsheviki who had gained power and ousted the provisional government. This group of officials, the...Read More

2 Answers

E. Austin
Answered: Jan 17, 2019
This is a straightforward answer to your question. When the bulk of soldiers, ill-equipped to fight against an enemy with superior weapons, is not backed up by a system of good enough food,...Read More

1 Answer

Barry Mclean, Sales Manager
Answered: Jan 22, 2019
Marxism and socialism are two systems. What they have in common is the belief that assets and resources should be equally shared by all citizens irrespective of class or birth. Although it may...Read More

2 Answers

W. Mocroft, Philanthropist
Answered: Jan 22, 2019
The underlying cause why the Tsarist autocracy was overthrown in 1917 was the backward economic condition of the country. In order to finance the war, the government printed millions of ruble...Read More

1 Answer

Barry Mclean, Sales Manager
Answered: Jan 22, 2019
The original Russian revolution was an unplanned, unorganised revolt against the harsh and impossible conditions of the ordinary people. This happened in late February of 1917. By July, the...Read More

2 Answers

W. Mocroft, Philanthropist
Answered: Jan 22, 2019
The revolution took place on March 8, 1917 but it is called the February revolution because of the Julian calendar that the Russians still used at that time. At that time, Russia had not switched...Read More

1 Answer

W. Pratt, Marketing Analyst
Answered: Jan 22, 2019
The Bolsheviki overcame the provisional government because of the following factors: their revolution was planned, not a disorderly revolt of unled people; they had a visionary leader in Lenin,...Read More

1 Answer

Barry Mclean, Sales Manager
Answered: Jan 22, 2019
Lenin was not a murderer for starters. He had ideals rather than naked ambition. He was a visionary leader with followers who held the same ideas and followed for that reason, and to improve...Read More

2 Answers

Barry Mclean, Sales Manager
Answered: Jan 22, 2019
The Kerensky offensive was the series of demonstrations carried out by soldiers and industrial workers unhappy with the provisional government formed just after, and as result of, the original...Read More

1 Answer

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