Did the first man really come from Africa? - ProProfs Discuss

Did the first man really come from Africa?

Did the first man really come from Africa?

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Asked by H.Donna, Last updated: Jan 09, 2025

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4 Answers

C. Lopez

C. Lopez

Driving down to Knowledge town

C. Lopez
C. Lopez, Chauffer, Chauffer, Watertown

Answered Oct 12, 2020

Through the study of the concept of evolution, together with the various findings of different scientists who have worked on it, it is believed that the first man evolved from Africa. According to some findings, it is believed that modern humans had evolved from their hominid predecessors in some 200 000 to 300 000 years ago.

It is also believed that this evolution took place in Africa, after which the first set of newly evolved humans moved out of Africa to other parts of the world. The movement of the first modern humans from Africa to other parts of the world took place about 70,000-100,000 years ago.

According to the findings of some scientists, they believed the evolution of human beings happened in Africa because modern humans could only live conveniently in dry climates. While this may be true, there are other theories that talk about how evolution happened and why it took place in Africa.

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Amla Amelia

Amla Amelia

Amla Amelia
Amla Amelia

Answered Sep 29, 2020

Yes is the correct answer to this question. New technology has allowed scientists to prove that the first man came from Africa. The first man is from San People. During the time they first came around, they were gatherers and hunters.

Their purpose was to hunt around the world for animals such as bear, which gave them their food to eat. Along with hunting for meat, the men from Africa also would gather plants and berries as a source of nutrition. Though they were San People, they would go throughout the various regions of African to search for what they need.

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Answered Feb 05, 2020

There are some reports wherein the first home sapiens first started to evolve in Africa. There is a big possibility that the first human was formed in Africa, and it evolved further as time went on. Take note that human beings may have evolved due to a variety of reasons.

The weather and the climate may have an effect on the appearance of the person until there are different features that are available that have been distinct in certain nationalities and races. Those who study to the evolution of human beings still have some questions, though, so it is not final yet if the first human actually came from Africa or if there were different humans that evolved in various places of the world at that time.

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Answered Feb 26, 2018

Due to new technology, scientists have been able to determine the first race of people came from Africa. These people were known as the San People. They were known as many others during this time as hunters and gatherers. This means that they would hunt around for bears and other animals to hunt for their meat. They would also gather berries and plants that they could find. Many hunters and gatherers were known as nomadic people because they would have to go throughout different locations in Africa to find more food.

It is believed that these people lived as far back as over 200,000 years ago. However, an artifact that dates the furthest back in time is in 44,000 BCE where a group of tools were discovered that is believed to have belonged to this group of people.

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