There are 3 types of species of eagle that are found on the continent of Australia. The wedge-tailed eagle (also known as the bunjil) is the largest bird of prey on the continent.
The wedge-tailed eagle is often seen gliding for hours, without ever beating its wings. They fly as high as 5,800 feet. Their prey is usually caught over the ground. They spot their prey from high in the air (so the prey does not sense them coming) and then dive down quickly and silently. They usually attack before the prey even knows they are being stalked. The primarily eat small rodents such as mice.
The species is endangered in Australia. There are fewer than 200 left in the wild. Australia is slowly decreasing the number of Tasmanian Devils, which is beneficial to the wedge-tailed eagle, as it leaves more roadkill for them to scavenge off of.