What was a line of fortifications across the French border with - ProProfs Discuss

What was a line of fortifications across the French border with Germany?

What was a line of fortifications across the French border with Germany?

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Asked by Wyatt Williams, Last updated: Jan 14, 2025

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2 Answers

John Adney

John Adney

John Adney
John Adney

Answered Jun 25, 2017

The Maginot line was constructed by france along the boarder with Germany in 1930s. It cosisted of hundreds of kms of long tunnels , concrete fortification , obstacles and was equipped with guns . It was mainly built to defend german attacks. During second world war germany attacked france which was an unexpected attack through the dense ardennes forest ,avoiding the maginot line which was a surprise to france . As they thought it was impossible to march through this dense forest. But the germans easily did that. The only obstacle they faced was because of there own traffic jams created by their long military convoys.

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John Smith

John Smith

John Smith
John Smith

Answered May 20, 2017

The Maginot Line

The Maginot Line was an extremely complex series of fortifications on the French-German border. Its guns, however, were never fired in anger as the Germans bypassed it during the Battle of France.
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