What is the difference between Diamonds and Pearls? - ProProfs Discuss

What is the difference between Diamonds and Pearls?

Asked by Juul , Last updated: Mar 30, 2024

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L. Agate

L. Agate

L. Agate
L. Agate

Answered Dec 11, 2020

Diamonds and pearls are highly considered to be very precious. They can be very expensive, depending on their quality. Diamonds are normally taken from mines wherein they are cut from different rocks. Normally, they are found deep, which is why they are harder to acquire as compared to other metals.

Pearls, on the other hand, are acquired from oysters. The pearl is normally created by the Mother of Pearl. There are now some farms wherein pearls can be extracted from the oysters without killing them. Diamonds and pearls cannot be created; otherwise they will be called fake. There are some products that are created that are supposed to mimic the overall look of diamonds and pearls.

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Have keen interest in writing, traveller by heart.

Maxence , Writer, Vienna

Answered Nov 27, 2020

Diamonds are derived and also obtained from mines in which they are cut from rocks, but pearls do grow naturally in oysters, and they are found on the sea bed areas. While pearls can be cultivated artificially by man, by the act of putting a mother pearl inside the shell of an oyster, diamond, on the other hand, cannot be cultivated artificially. The pricing system of pearls and diamond differs. While diamonds are priced based on the cut, color, and carat rating, the pricing system of pearls is based on the luster and rarity. In all, diamonds are very much more expensive when compared to pearls. Depending on how well-cut diamond is, a diamond can be cut into several shapes which include, round, square, triangle, oblong, etc., while the natural shape of pearls is just round. Pearls cannot be converted or cut into several different shapes, although pearls differ in size.
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Elena Sheldon

Elena Sheldon

Being in the arts and science department amuses me every day.

Elena Sheldon
Elena Sheldon, Director of research, Diploma in Arts and Science, Berkeley, California

Answered Jul 23, 2020

Diamonds and pearls are two types of stones used to make a number of jewelry. One difference between them is where they are sourced from. Diamonds come from minerals that are mined and then processed into the gemstone. Pearls come from living organisms, like oysters. Another difference between them is how they are shaped.

Pearls are always in a round shape, while diamonds can come in a variety of shapes, such as princess, emerald, and heart. Along with their difference in shape, peals and diamonds also differ in how much they cost. Between the two, diamonds are more expensive, some being millions of dollars.

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C. Adlai

C. Adlai

A professional and experienced software developer with amateur writing.

C. Adlai
C. Adlai, Software Developer, B.E (Bachelor of Engineering), California, USA

Answered Jul 20, 2020

Diamonds and pearls are said to be precious to a lot of people, but they can be obtained in different ways. Diamonds are usually mined. They can be cut out from rocks. There are different sizes and clarity that are available, so diamonds are priced differently depending on their quality. Pearls, on the other hand, are obtained from oysters. There are some that are artificially cultivated, but there are also some that are still naturally cultivated. There are some claims that can hold really huge pearls. These pearls usually cost a lot of money. Take note that there are a lot of people who can create fake pearls, but fake diamonds cannot be created.
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Bergeront Tiffney

Bergeront Tiffney

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Bergeront Tiffney
Bergeront Tiffney, Computer Engineer, M. Tech, Southeast Montgomery

Answered Jul 13, 2020

Although diamonds and pearls are used majorly to make different kinds of jewelry, one of the major differences between the two is that pearls are sourced from certain living organisms, whereas diamonds are minerals. Diamonds are usually mined, and they are processed into valuable and expensive gemstones.

Although diamonds and pearls are used majorly to make different kinds of jewelry, one of the major
As I said, pearls are produced by certain living organisms known as bivalve mollusks. Pearls are initially Shelly substances produced by bivalve mollusks such as oysters, in order to defend themselves from some irritating foreign particles and intruders. Pearls can be found in the mantle, and they can also be found between the mantle and shell of bivalve mollusks. Unlike diamonds that are mined from the ground, pearls are usually found in the sea bed. Diamonds come in different designs and shapes because they can be cut to give any design, whereas pearls are usually round in shape. Out of the two, diamonds are very expensive compare to pearls.

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