What is the difference between AA and AAA? - ProProfs Discuss

What is the difference between AA and AAA?

Asked by Jasmijn , Last updated: May 08, 2024

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3 Answers

C. Adlai

C. Adlai

A professional and experienced software developer with amateur writing.

C. Adlai
C. Adlai, Software Developer, B.E (Bachelor of Engineering), California, USA

Answered Jun 11, 2020

AA and AAA are battery descriptions that are used to indicate the size and potential charge capability of these specific batteries. The greatest difference between the two is their size. AAA batteries are smaller compared to AA. An AA battery certainly would not fit into an AA slot. AA and AAA possess the same measure of voltage, as do bigger batteries, like the D kind.

The lesser size of the AAA batteries means that there is a smaller amount of electrochemical substance, which holds the electric charge. There is a lesser amount of charge in AAA batteries. Some high capacity AAA batteries may even exceed the capacity of a standard AA battery.

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J. Shatner

J. Shatner

J. Shatner
J. Shatner, Content writer, Boston

Answered Jun 11, 2020

AA and AAA are two types of batteries. AA is known as Double-A batteries, while AAA is known as triple-A batteries. One of the differences between them is the size of the battery. AA batteries are longer and wider, while AAA batteries are smaller in size.

Another difference between them is the length of time they last. AA batteries last for a longer amount of time, compared to AAA batteries that tend to run out faster. Every device requires a specific type of battery. AA batteries are used in devices such as toys or smaller remotes. AAA batteries are used in larger remotes and portable music players.

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G. Deacon

G. Deacon

Loves to build things that last longer.

G. Deacon
G. Deacon, Civil Engineer, B.E(Bachelor of Engineering), Trenton, New Jersey

Answered Jun 09, 2020

Aside from the fact that AA and AAA are just indicators to show the potential charge difference and the size of some batteries, one of the major differences you will notice between AA and AAA batteries is their size. AA batteries are bigger than AAA batteries, although both usually have the same voltage. For AA batteries, the amount of electrochemical material in them is higher than that of AAA batteries. This means AA batteries carry more electric charge compared to AAA batteries.

That is why AA batteries are used mostly for devices that consume a lot of power. At times, AAA batteries can be made to be of high capacity like AA batteries. This means AAA batteries of this type can also work for devices that consume a lot of power. But generally, AAA batteries are used mainly for devices that do not consume a lot of power. Examples of AAA batteries are the ones we use for clocks, remote controls, etc.

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