How is oil transported to countries? - ProProfs Discuss

How is oil transported to countries?

Asked by T. Wikati, Last updated: Apr 16, 2024

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Leo Samuels

Leo Samuels

A good learner

Leo Samuels
Leo Samuels, Content Writer, PG, California

Answered Jul 16, 2019

Oil is transported in four main ways. One of the most common ways to transport it is through the pipeline. Pipelines are one way it is transported when it goes over land, like the Alaskan pipeline that brought oil from Alaska down through Canada to the United States. That is usually the method used when transported across the land, but it requires digging up the land and areas sometimes don't like that such as when it passes through Indian Reservations and is protested like it was in the United States not so long ago.

Oil is transported in four main ways. One of the most common ways to transport it is through the
Tankers are also used to transport oil. Sometimes that can be dangerous because they are so flammable. Rail cars, or trains, are also used to transport oil. That is an efficient way, economically but can still be dangerous. And then trucks also transport it. How oil is transported has a lot to do with where it is coming from and where it is going. If it's coming from the ocean, it is transported differently than when it comes from the land, which makes good sense.

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