Could diplomacy still work in North Korean problem? - ProProfs Discuss

Could diplomacy still work in North Korean problem?

Could diplomacy still work in North Korean problem?

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Asked by H.Donna, Last updated: Apr 30, 2024

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2 Answers

B. Denton

B. Denton

Who wants to travel all the world and capture all the moment in his camera.

B. Denton
B. Denton, Traveler, journalism, Greater Manchester

Answered Nov 01, 2019

There are some reports that North Korea is firing missiles again, and people cannot help but wonder if diplomacy will still occur. North Korea usually provokes the United States with the things that it does, so unless there are some changes with the leadership of North Korea, there is a very big chance that diplomacy will not occur.

The media will keep on calling North Korea different names, which can make the conflict between North Korea and all the other countries worse. If this continues happening, North Korea may snap and just declare war on different countries. This can be problematic if it happens. It is best if the leaders would realize that they can talk about the things that they would want to achieve.

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h. George

h. George

Government employee and a part-time content writer.

h. George
H. George, Copywriter, MA in English, California

Answered Feb 26, 2018

Let us all hope and pray diplomacy can still work to solve the North Korean nuclear problem. Unless Kim Jong Un is removed from power, I don’t believe any country can successfully force him to give up his nuclear weapons program.

He believes it’s the key to his survival. Some think the United States needs to swallow its pride, admit that its insistence on complete and total denuclearization is simply not going to happen, and start over. If the US were to do that, they might get more support and help from the Russians and the Chinese and maybe diplomatic efforts would finally be successful.

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