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Two cars, A and B, are 400 meters apart. Car A travels due east at 30 meters per second on a collision course with car B which travels due west at 20 meters per second.

H. Barnes, Unemployed
Answered: Feb 26, 2019
The correct answer to this question is If two cars are 400 meters apart and a collision occurs while one is traveling east at 30 meters per second and the other is traveling west at 20 meters per...Read More

4 Answers

H. Jones, Web Content Writer
Answered: Oct 31, 2018
The main objective of Gintama is truly to become a parody of the different anime series that are considered to be popular. If it makes a parody of a certain series, this is a sure sign that the...Read More

2 Answers

J.Spencer, Knowledge enthusiast
Answered: Jan 08, 2019
Oh! This is an excellent question. Well, the answer that follows is technically just speculation. To truly know what’ll happen in the absence of nitrogen is impossible. You do mention that...Read More

4 Answers

Answered: Apr 03, 2018
Videos can be sent to different people on the WhatsApp application. To do this, you can attach the video to a message on the WhatsApp. Then you can send it by clicking send. You can upload videos...Read More

1 Answer

L. Agate
Answered: Oct 11, 2019
Once existed in the United States were two unions of Labor, which were the American Federation of Labor (AFL) and the Knights of Labor. The American Federation of Labor happened to be a formal...Read More

6 Answers

E. Stanley, Technical writer
Answered: Oct 17, 2018
Yes, calendars do repeat. As there are seven days in a week which begin the year and month, you would expect that in every sevens years there would be a repeat in calendar. However, the leap...Read More

1 Answer

L. Sevigny, Doctor
Answered: Jul 09, 2018
A lady's finger vegetable is not to be confused with the ladyfinger cookie. In many areas, this vegetable is called "okra," but the name lady's fingers came about in English-speaking countries....Read More

2 Answers

Robert Hazlewood, Senior Executive
Answered: Jan 22, 2019
It may be that Selena Gomez doesn't much like having any nickname for Selena Marie Gomez is her proper birth name. This has been shortened to Sell and Selly at times, as you might expect. She was...Read More

2 Answers

Sophia Lee Ryan
Answered: Oct 22, 2017
More serious food poisoning cases can cause hallucinations. This is one of the more serious symptoms, and if one is experiencing hallucinations, contact the doctor as soon as possible. If you...Read More

3 Answers

B. Strickland, Sales Manager
Answered: Nov 21, 2019
Most of the time, we search endlessly to download a particular video, and when we finally get to a site to download the video, then we are faced with another problem just because we don't know...Read More

3 Answers

Carice Snow, Motivator
Answered: Nov 27, 2018
Owls are one type of animal that is considered to be nocturnal. This means that they stay awake at night and sleep during the day. One of the main reasons why certain animals like the owls are...Read More

3 Answers

Chris Kenway, Content Writer
Answered: Aug 01, 2018
Liquids have a fixed volume but no fixed shape because liquid particles are not so tightly constrained and have spaces in between them and are free to move compared to solids. Liquids do not have...Read More

2 Answers

Matz Lewis Clark, College student
Answered: Dec 12, 2018
The scientific name of corn is “Zea mays”. Corn belongs to the:
Kingdom: Plantae, Division: Magnoliophyta, Class: Liliopsida, Order: Poales, Family: Poaceae, Genus: Zea and the...Read More

8 Answers

Matz Lewis Clark, College student
Answered: Apr 03, 2019
Although it has been rumored that Jackie Chan is a vegetarian and one would certainly think that he might be because he is so involved in the martial arts and many martial artists are vegetarian,...Read More

4 Answers

Jason B. Elster
Answered: Feb 27, 2018
Since cyberbullying occurs mostly on social media networks, the social media companies should be somewhat responsible for cyberbullying. It is occurring on their networks. These billion-dollar...Read More

2 Answers
