Who was the father of science? - ProProfs Discuss

Who was the father of science?

Asked by John Adney, Last updated: Sep 15, 2024

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7 Answers

K. Tanaka

K. Tanaka

K. Tanaka
K. Tanaka, Librarian, Oklahoma

Answered Feb 01, 2021

Throughout time and even now, there are many scientists that have contributed to science, but when it comes to the father of science, this person is known as Galileo. The reason why he is regarded as the father of science is that he helped scientists find new ways to research and look for answers. One of his major contributions to science is the scientific method.

Centuries later, the scientific method is being used in experiments to help get the answers needed. Other contributions of Galileo are what he bought to physics, and he introduced the idea around inertia, which later went on to help Issac Newton.

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E. Dixon

E. Dixon

E. Dixon
E. Dixon

Answered Jan 29, 2021

Galileo Galilei. It has been stated that he is the father of modern science. He showed other scientists a new way of figuring things out. He demonstrated the method of experimenting. However, it has also been said that Aristotle has been called the father of natural science because he formed the scientific method.

Galileo was a mathematician, astronomer, engineer, physicist, and he created the 3x magnification capable telescope. It was then improved upon with a 30x magnification capacity.

Aristotle was a Greek philosopher and renaissance man in the classical period of Ancient Greece, and Plato was his teacher. Aristotle expanded upon the original ideas of his colleagues as he improved natural science.

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C. Bernthal

C. Bernthal

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C. Bernthal
C. Bernthal, Teacher, MA, P.hD, Seattle

Answered Jan 26, 2021

Different people have been regarded as the father of science because they made significant contributions to the scientific field. Different debates have been held over who merits the title of father of science.

The person considered as the father of modern science is Galileo Galilei. The reason why Galileo Galilei has considered the father of science is because of his systemic use of experimentation in science and contributions to the scientific methods, physics, and observational astronomy.

Galileo Galilei was born on 15 February 1564 and died on 8 January 1642. Galileo studied speed, gravity, projectile motion, velocity, inertia, and the principle of relativity. The fields of Galileo Galilei include engineering, mathematics, natural philosophy, astronomy, and physics. Galileo Galilei is known for analytical dynamics, heliocentrism, kinematics and observational astronomy.

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Leo Samuels

Leo Samuels

A good learner

Leo Samuels
Leo Samuels, Content Writer, PG, California

Answered Jan 21, 2021

The correct answer to this question is Galileo Galilei. He is regarded as the father of science because it made a number of contributions to may different fields of science, including astronomy and physics. One of his major contributions was creating the first telescope.

This helped shaped the instrument that many scientists use today to see in outer space. Along with knowing about space, Galileo Galilei helped formed the ideas around astronomy, which is used today to study the many elements of space, such as the stars, moon, and the Earth. Another idea he founded was that the Earth goes around the sun

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D. Loukas

D. Loukas

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D. Loukas
D. Loukas, Maths Professor, Diploma in Mathematics, Beverly hills, California

Answered Jan 18, 2021

Galileo is described as the father of current science. He showed scientists a new way of looking at things. He demonstrated the scientific method as a path to obtaining the answers you need in an experiment. He also contributed a vast amount of research to physics and observational astronomy.

He was the first to introduce the concept of quantitative measurement, and he formulated the concept of inertia into a numerical equation. His work in this area laid the groundwork for Sir Isaac Newton’s first law of motion.

He also propelled astronomy to a whole new level by improving the telescope so that the stars could be viewed more easily. He made further observations, including discovering the moons of Jupiter, and he formulated theories and tested their hypothesis through experimentation. He was indeed a pioneer in the world of science.

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H. Barnes

H. Barnes

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H. Barnes
H. Barnes, Unemployed, Barnes, Atlanta

Answered Jan 14, 2021

The father of Science is known to be Galileo Galilei. His name is familiar to a lot of people who have always loved Science. If in case you are not too familiar with him, he was an Italian astronomer, mathematician, and philosopher. A lot of people are aware that he has a lot of contributions to the world of Science.

The things that he has figured out back then are considered to be the foundation of many studies today. A lot of things about science has changed significantly because of the things that he has shown. Take note that when it comes to ancient science, the father of ancient science is Thales.

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E. Barnes

E. Barnes

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E. Barnes
E. Barnes, Professional Gamer, Professional Gamer, Washington

Answered Jan 12, 2021

The world has had so many people who could be regarded as fathers or mothers of science due to their immense contributions to modern science. However, the title goes to Galileo Galilei as the father of science as a whole. Galileo Galilei was an Italian physicist, philosopher, astronomer, and mathematician who revolutionized science with his scientific discoveries.

Galileo Galilei was born on 15 February 1564 and died on January 8, 1642. One of his achievements was the impact he made building a telescope that was used to get certain astronomical facts. For instance, with his findings, he was able to argue with the Church when he found out that the Earth revolves around the sun.

Invariably, his immense contributions to observational astronomy, physics, and science as a whole, were the reasons he was considered the Father of science. However, there were other people who also contributed immensely to science.

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