Computers are hardware devices that we all use in one way or another. Whether for school or work, computers allow us to perform our everyday required duties. For a computer to work properly, there are four main components of it. The first part is the hard drive. This is the storage of the computer, for all the data and programs of the computer are stored there.
The second component is the memory. It keeps track of all things on the computer, such as the history a page was accessed.
The third part of the computer is the case. It is the part of the computer that the computer is actually sat on.
Lastly, there is the motherboard where everything is plugged into.
Computers operate through four significant functions. The major components include input devices, output devices, processing devices, and the storage devices used to keep information within the computer system.
Software is a set of digital directions for the computer and is stored in memory. The input devices are used to register data into the computer system. They include the keyboard and the mouse. Once data is entered, it is transferred into an internal form that can be processed by the central processing unit.
The output devices are used to present processed information to the user. And this includes the monitor and speakers. The processor storage devices have RAM and hard disks, and they store data into the computer system.