What was not a reform sought from the Spanish government by the - ProProfs Discuss

What was not a reform sought from the Spanish government by the propagandists?

What was not a reform sought from the Spanish government by the propagandists?<br/>

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Asked by Marcelina bolona, Last updated: Jan 15, 2025

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2 Answers

Christian Jackson

Christian Jackson

Christian Jackson
Christian Jackson, Content Developer, Austin

Answered Aug 10, 2018

The Spaniards stayed in the Philippines for 333 years and they tried to make the Filipinos their slaves. There were some Filipinos who were able to seek formal education in Spain but most of them planned out how they can oust the Spaniards away from their country.

The propagandists did not ask for the change of government from absolute to limited monarch. After the Spaniards colonized the Philippines, they were colonized by the Americans and the Japanese. They finally reached the freedom that they wanted when the Japanese left the country.

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John Smith

John Smith

John Smith
John Smith

Answered Jul 20, 2017

Change of government from absolute to limited monarch
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