How would you describe the state of a package variable after - ProProfs Discuss

How would you describe the state of a package variable after executing the package in which it is declared?

How would you describe the state of a package variable after executing the package in which it is declared?<br/>

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Asked by Isaiah, Last updated: Jan 20, 2025

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John Smith

John Smith

John Smith
John Smith

Answered Sep 08, 2016

It persists across transactions within a session. -2. it does not persist from session to session for the same user. -you can keep track of the state of a package variable or cursor, which persists throughout the user session, from the time the user first references the variable or cursor to the time the user disconnects. 1 initialize the variable within its declaration or within an automatic, one-time-only procedure. 2 change the value of the variable by means of package procedures. 3 the value of the variable is released when the user disconnects. incorrect answers b: each session will have its own value for the variables c: it persists across the transactions and through the user session. d: each user has his own values and results, because each user has his own users.
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