What is the difference between Gerbils and Hamsters? - ProProfs Discuss

What is the difference between Gerbils and Hamsters?

What is the difference between Gerbils and Hamsters?

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Asked by S. Barnes, Last updated: Jan 01, 2025

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4 Answers

Samantha Stewart

Samantha Stewart

Love to do some charity work. Have a passion for writing and do it in my spare time

Samantha Stewart
Samantha Stewart, Philanthropist, Post Graduate, Corpus Christi

Answered Oct 26, 2020

Gerbils and Hamsters are rodents but there a lot of differences between gerbils and hamsters.
Gerbils as rodents are social creatures; it is hard to keep a single gerbil because they need a friend in captivity.

They also have soft and fur-covered tails. Gerbils are crepuscular, which means that they are active during dusk and dawn. Gerbils cannot withstand overheating. Gerbils also have a long mouth, which has a resemblance to that of a rat. Gerbils also have a long hind leg, and they love to stand on their legs.

Hamsters are a solitary character. Hamsters can just stay all alone in their captivity, and they cannot stand on their legs. Hamsters sleep during the daytime, which means that they are nocturnal rodents. There are about 25 hamster’s subspecies. Hamsters are not sensitive to overheating like the gerbils.

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E. Good

E. Good

E. Good
E. Good

Answered Oct 15, 2020

Hamsters are nocturnal and burrowing animals, which means they are awake at night and asleep during the day. They have special pouches on either side of their heads used to keep food for later on. They are not social animals, and they do not like existing in groups, as they prefer a much more solitary life. They have a nubby tail with short, stocky legs and small ears, and they are often bred to have different colors. They have low vision, but impeccable hearing and smell senses. They maintain a two-year life span, but they can live longer if they are in captivity.

On the other hand, gerbils are small rodents who boast more than 110 species of gerbils within this classification. They naturally come from deserts, and their common name desert rat is used because of this. They can be anywhere from 150-300 millimeter long bodies.

They are social animals who live in groups. They check out each other’s scent to be able to identify their other group members. Their reproductive behavior is quite entertaining. When they mate, it goes on for hours, as the female is chased for some time many times in one breeding.

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M. Klose

M. Klose

M. Klose
M. Klose, Content Writer, Oakland

Answered Oct 07, 2020

You may think that gerbils and hamsters look the same in the beginning but actually, they are not the same. Appearance-wise, they are a bit different. Hamsters are known to have short tails. They are also known to have small noses and legs. Gerbils, on the other hand, are known to have long noses.

They also have long tails, and also they have longer legs as compared to hamsters. There are some hamsters that are known to run a lot, but their legs are normally short, so when they are overweight, they will not be able to run that fast. Gerbils love standing up with the use of their long legs.

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D. Ronald

D. Ronald

D. Ronald
D. Ronald, Writer, Austin

Answered May 05, 2020

Gerbils and Hamsters are two rodents which some people use as pets. One major difference between these two is their level of socialization. Gerbils are very social in nature, while the hamsters prefer a solitary way of life. Hence it is advisable not to keep only one gerbil, instead find friends for them whereas you can have a hamster alone as hamsters can stay alone conveniently.

Taking a look at their physical traits, gerbils possess tails that are covered with furs and are soft in nature. Relatively, on the other hand, hamsters have no tail. Gerbils are found with a long snout, while hamsters are known for their large cheek pouches.

Gerbils possess long hind legs, and you will usually see them standing on their legs. Conversely, the hamsters do not always stand on their legs. Hamsters are nocturnal rodents that usually sleep during the daytime, while the gerbils are usually active both during dawn and dusk.

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