What is the difference between TCP and UDP? - ProProfs Discuss

What is the difference between TCP and UDP?

What is the difference between TCP and UDP?

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Asked by G. Cole, Last updated: Jan 11, 2025

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3 Answers

L. Cooper

L. Cooper

Analyst by profession but writer by heart.

L. Cooper
L. Cooper, Data Analyst, MCA, Newcastle

Answered Nov 11, 2020

The flow of traffic on the internet is done through protocols that are TCP and UDP. TCP represents Transmission Control Protocol, whereas UDP stands for User Datagram Protocol. TCP is more popular across the internet. The UDP cannot be rendered entirely unnecessary.

TCP permits error correction, but UDP does not. With TCP, there is the safeguard of the information delivery at the download address point. This safety net is made possible by flow control also checks and prevents transmission of data.

UDP is also typical, but it cannot be dependent upon sending important data like source files and essential web pages. It is employed mostly for streaming media, which includes both audio and visual. UDP is faster than TCP, and media players tend to work the best with it. UDP has no authorization.

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Zack , English Professor, PhD, Basel

Answered Nov 03, 2020

TCP or Transmission Control Protocol and UDP or User Datagram Protocol are both internet protocols. Unlike UDP that does not support error correction, TCP supports this excellent feature. Because of the flow control feature of TCP, it ensures the smooth delivery of data either at the address point or download point. The flow control feature of TCP can also stop or check the transmission of data. It does this if previous packets were not delivered. If you notice that a packet has not been delivered, you can use the resending option to get the data delivered to you. TCP is more popular than UDP. This is because you can use the former to send important webpages and secure files. On the contrary, UDP is not as safe as TCP, but people use it most times to stream media such as audio and video files. Most users prefer UDP to TCP because the former is faster than the latter.
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Anthony Paul Bonadio

Anthony Paul Bonadio

Its kind of my job to give answers

Anthony Paul Bonadio
Anthony Paul Bonadio, Teacher, MCA, PhD, Toledo

Answered Oct 21, 2020

TCP is known to be a type of protocol that is connection-oriented. UDS is known to be a type of protocol that does not require any connections. TCP will make sure that a connection will be established between the sender and the receiver. This is to ensure that the data will be sent without any issues. If the connection is not established, sending will not push through. UDP will just be sent the data without establishing any connection. UDP does not have a lot of requirements, which means that data will be sent faster. If you want something that is more reliable, though, it is still best to choose TCP over UDP.
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