Kidney stones are very painful and have many symptoms that come along with them. The main symptom is the pain. Anyone that will experience a kidney stone will know the pain is unbearable. A person with a kidney stone is unable to sit still or to find a position that is comfortable.
The pain can change positions which is a part of the kidney stone moving throughout the body. It is also painful for a person to urinate. Another symptom of a kidney stone is that blood may be passed through the urine, which can be the cause of the extreme pain.
Symptoms of kidney stone may not show forth until it moves around inside one’s kidney or goes into the urethra. By the time that happens, these symptoms may begin to become worthy of note: Severe pain around the side and back, below the rib region; the agony that emanates to the lower stomach area; Excruciating pain during the process of urination; Urine having different colors such as red, pink, or sometimes even dark; Too frequent urination, especially urinating frequently which exceeds normal expectation.
Fever and chills in the case of infection; Urinating in little quantities; Pain that results from kidney stones usually change or switch. That is, it moves to alternate sides or area, it might also expand in force, this happens as the stone travel through the urinary tract; Extreme or agony that is so severe that you won't be able to sit still or find a comfortable position- pain that is followed by nausea and vomiting; Passing out blood in urine.
Kidney stones medically known as nephrolithiasis are hard deposits of salts and minerals formed in the kidneys. The stones are mostly composed of calcium and uric acid. Kidney stones may not cause you to have any symptoms until it moves around the kidney or passes into the ureter, where it can cause blockage and cause you to experience several signs and symptoms. The most common symptoms associated with kidney stones are pain at the back, below your ribs, pain or burning during urination, cloudy or smelly urine, Pink, red or brown urine, pain radiating to lower abdomen or groin region, urinating more often, urgency to urinate, urinating in small quantity, nausea, and vomiting, nausea and vomiting.