Are comics worth reading? - ProProfs Discuss

Are comics worth reading?

Are comics worth reading?

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Asked by R. Barnes, Last updated: Jan 15, 2025

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2 Answers

E. Jonathan

E. Jonathan

I like managing several people and leading them to a greater self, both in work life and personal life(in a Way)

E. Jonathan
E. Jonathan, Content Team Lead, Degree in Literature, Los Angeles, California

Answered Nov 04, 2019

Yes, comic books are still worth reading. I know a lot of people who never wanted to read to start reading after seeing some comic books that they like. The great thing about comic books is they come in so many genres. People can choose the genres that they want and decide whether they would like to invest some time in reading series, or they would rather read short comic books.

Yes, comic books are still worth reading. I know a lot of people who never wanted to read to start
People like the fact that they are given choices with what they can read. Comic books are also fun because you already know what the characters look like or how the setting is like. It can make you feel more relaxed.

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J. Rogers

J. Rogers

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J. Rogers
J. Rogers, Rosshazlewood, MA, Birmingham

Answered Oct 03, 2019

I believe that comic books are worth reading. I have to be honest and say that this is not my favorite medium whenever I want to read, but I do like to become entertained by comic books from time to time. I am particularly interested in the horror genre, and I have read various stories that I tremendously liked. It can also be more exciting because you simply have to look at the picture to understand what has happened.

I believe that comic books are worth reading. I have to be honest and say that this is not my
Of course, comics, like other books, will have some differences depending on how nice and entertaining they are. Those with good narratives and amazing pacing are always worth checking out. It can just be problematic when you can read them faster than usual books because you would like to find more.

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