Can 5G connectivity penetrate through walls and natural objects? - ProProfs Discuss

Can 5G connectivity penetrate through walls and natural objects?

Can 5G connectivity penetrate through walls and natural objects?

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Asked by R. Jones, Last updated: Jan 10, 2025

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3 Answers

W. Ira

W. Ira

W. Ira
W. Ira

Answered Nov 07, 2019

Although, the next generation of the wireless mobile network is designed to offer quick internet connection and to work pretty faster than 4G, however, there seem to be some problems with the new technology. What is causing the problems is the type of radio spectrum being used for this technology.

While some can travel through walls, glass, windows, and other objects, some can't travel through walls, which means people may start experiencing weak signals inside their rooms. This is exactly what is being experienced in some parts of Chicago and other places.

A lot of people are complaining about the fact that it is becoming more difficult to know whether they are truly using 5G or the common 4G. When 5G can't penetrate through walls, its speed decreases. However, technology companies are really opting for better alternatives to address this issue, though it will definitely cost a lot in building the needed infrastructures.

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L. Agate

L. Agate

L. Agate
L. Agate

Answered Oct 14, 2019

5G uses a lot of different frequencies, which travel a long way and easily penetrate buildings. It may travel a long distance, which is why it can go into buildings. Lower rates go beyond higher frequencies. 5G technology uses millimeter waves, which uses the frequency bandwidth spectrum from 30GHz to 300GHz. It can be used for 5G cellular networks to develop high-speed wireless broadband communications.

However, these millimeter waves are prone to atmospheric reduction. The reduction can be resolved using small cell networks, which will act as boosters to these waves. A small cell is a miniature of a micro base station that enhances data speed and network efficiency of the macro. 5G has specific advantages that the previous versions do not offer.

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W. Kaye

W. Kaye

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W. Kaye
W. Kaye, Ex-Marine, Post Graduate, Chapel Hill

Answered Sep 23, 2019

It seems that there are some issues now with regards to 5G because apparently, it may suddenly break down to a 4G connection when it faces certain types of wall. There are already some cities wherein 5G is being tested, and even though it shows promise, there are still so many things about it that would need to be tested and changed so that it can become better and faster than 4G which is what people are using right now.

5G is said to come with a lot of benefits. This is supposed to be 100 times faster than 4G, and it is also more cost-effective. However, it is still new, so the gadgets that people have may not be equipped to use it just yet.

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