Pastoral nomadism is a form of subsistence agriculture whereas ranching is a form of commercial agriculture. Nomads migrate a longer distance with their livestock than ranchers. Ranchers raise livestock but nomads grow crops as well as livestock.
Pg 338-339, 346-349
Pastoral nomadism is practiced in LDCs and therefore is a form of subsistence agriculture. Ranching is practiced in MDCs and therefore is a form of commercial agriculture.
Nomads do not kill their livestock, because the size of a herd is a sign of power and prestige. However, if animals die, nomads will consume the bodies then. Ranchers sell their animals to the butcher to be killed.
Nomads migrate frequently with their animals. They use the physical characteristics to make their migration patterns, such as following water sources. Nomads practice transhumance, which is the seasonal migration of animals between mountains and low-lying pastures. Ranchers do not migrate; the government of many MDCs, such as the United States, have designated certain areas to ranchers to raise their animals.
Nomads grow crops as well as raising livestock. Usually, the women and children plant crops while the men with the animals wander around the land. Other times, people will be hired to plant crops in exchange for part of the harvest. Other times the group may just stay in one area to grow crops until the soil gets depleted or the climate gets too dry, and the group will migrate to search for food and water.