A company is a legal entity, and it is usually small or medium in size. A company may be owned by an individual or a group of people. A person generally owns it in a high position in the company. A corporation or corporate body refers to an organization which consists of a group of persons that are identified by a specific name, and they act as an entity.
A corporate body is usually bigger and larger than a company. Shareholders jointly own it. In a corporate body, people in high position are employed to manage and handle the corporation.
A company is known to be a form of business organization that comes with its legal structure, but it is usually small to medium-sized. A corporation is known to be similar to a business organization, but the main difference is that it is usually bigger.
Another main difference between the two are the owners of the companies and the corporations. Companies are owned by their owners. They may be composed of a group of people who have started the company while shareholders usually own the corporation. Those who are in the position in large corporations are just employed by the shareholders to manage the corporation properly.