What is the difference between Cougar and Mountain lion? - ProProfs Discuss

What is the difference between Cougar and Mountain lion?

What is the difference between Cougar and Mountain lion?

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Asked by R. Barnes, Last updated: Jan 09, 2025

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Matz Lewis Clark

Matz Lewis Clark

Traveler and writer by profession.

Matz Lewis Clark
Matz Lewis Clark, College student, Graduation, Orlando

Answered Aug 27, 2019

Cougars and mountain lions are both animals that belong to the Felidae family. These two names are actually referring to the same animal depending on the region in which they are found. This animal has several names, which are listed thus; puma, cougar, Mountain Lion, catamount, Mountain cat, Mountain screamer, painter, panther, etc. The reason for this animal having this number of names is actually because it is found in several places around the world.

Cougars and mountain lions are both animals that belong to the Felidae family. These two names are
Therefore, each location gives it its name as it pleases them. This animal has been given recognition in the Guinness book of record due to the number of names it has. The cougar has a great level of adaptability, and that is why it is widely distributed among regions in the world, starting from Yukon in Canada to the southern Andes in South America. The Mountain Lion belongs to the cat family animals, and it happens to be the fourth biggest animal in this class.

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A. Samuel

A. Samuel

Writing quality content for contentment has been my passion since i was 21. I've been pursuing it as a Content Manager and Producer.

A. Samuel
A. Samuel, Content Manager, Masters in Marketing and accounting, Florida

Answered Jul 16, 2019

Mountain Lions and Cougars are the names given to the same animal, but they are of different locations. The Felidae is the family where the cougars or the mountain lions are originated. It has made a record in the “Guinness” book due to the number of names it has acquired. Some of the most common names of cougars are a puma, panther, mountain cat, mountain lion, and mountain screamer. The mountain lion is widely distributed and found in a vast range, and so, it has many names.

The mountain lions have a plain coloring because of which they acquired the name ‘‘concolor’’. The Cougars have deep baritone growls. The Cougars are efficient and effective predators that hunt down their prey. They stalk and ambush their prey before finally hunting them down. Also, Cougars are unsocial because they are solitary animals. Conclusively, “Cougar” and “Mountain lion” are the same animal, but the names are different because they are distributed in a wide range, and people refer to them with varying names concerning their locations.

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