Was Washington present at Philadelphia when the delegates met after - ProProfs Discuss

Was Washington present at Philadelphia when the delegates met after the Tea Party?

Asked by I. Klose, Last updated: Aug 08, 2024

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L. Sevigny

L. Sevigny

L. Sevigny
L. Sevigny, Doctor, Las Vegas

Answered Dec 26, 2018

The Boston Tea Party was an event in history that took place as revenge for the Boston Massacre and the taxing that was being forced on the colonists. The colonists understood that taxes had to be paid, but they wanted to have a representative in Parliament when discussing the taxes. However, they were not allowed.

The Boston Tea Party was an event in history that took place as revenge for the Boston Massacre and

That is when the Boston Tea Party took place in late 1773. The colonists boarded a British ship at night and threw many containers of tea overboard destroying the tea. Boston and other colonies were punished.

After that, The First Continental Congress met in Philadelphia Pennsylvania in late 1774. There were a little over 50 delegates representing the colonies. George Washington represented Virginia at the convention.

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