Why are some Machiavellianisms too submissive? - ProProfs Discuss

Why are some Machiavellianisms too submissive?

Why are some Machiavellianisms too submissive?

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Asked by L. Gibson, Last updated: Apr 22, 2024

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Danny R. Glover

Danny R. Glover

Danny R. Glover
Danny R. Glover, Editor, New York City

Answered Jul 24, 2018

It seems that there are people who do not realize that they are dealing with Machiavellian people because they all seem submissive. The main reason for this is because this is their way to manipulate people into agreeing with them. They know that no one will suspect them that they want to get ahead because of their meek personality so they would not be seen as a threat.

They would be able to show their true colors after some time. There are also some who are submissive because they know that it will be beneficial for them in the long run. They have plans that may not be evident in the beginning but will become obvious later on.

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