Why do narcissists lack empathy? - ProProfs Discuss

Why do narcissists lack empathy?

Why do narcissists lack empathy?

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Asked by L. Gibson, Last updated: Apr 20, 2024

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Christian Jackson

Christian Jackson

Christian Jackson
Christian Jackson, Content Developer, Austin

Answered Jul 23, 2018

It seems that narcissists are unable to feel compassion towards other people because the part of the brain that is responsible for providing empathy is not working anymore because it is not being used often. There are some people who are not born to be narcissists.

It seems that narcissists are unable to feel compassion towards other people because the part of
Some of them are born normal but because of a trauma or an experience, they start to focus on themselves more because they believe that no one is going to love them anymore but themselves. As they begin to love themselves more, they also begin to not feel any empathy and care towards other people. They have re-wired their brains to make that possible.

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