What is the percent of teens that rebel in a serious way? - ProProfs Discuss

What is the percent of teens that rebel in a serious way?

What is the percent of teens that rebel in a serious way?<br/>

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Asked by Deluxe, Last updated: Jan 12, 2025

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3 Answers

T. Lopez

T. Lopez

Let's see how far my knowledge stretches

T. Lopez
T. Lopez, Biology student, Graduation, Detroit

Answered May 17, 2019

The correct answer to this question is20. Teenage rebellion is a normal part of the development of a young person but can be very dangerous and life-threatening. Examples of adolescent rebellion include driving erratically over the speed limit, staying out late, and underage drinking.

This phase happens due to a young person's need for independence. They want to separate themselves from the ideals of their parents, who they feel they are superior to. A psychologist has also been able to link teenage rebellion to the brain's development changes. In the end, this change helps young people become adults.

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Carice Snow

Carice Snow

I am a well trend Motivational speaker at California.

Carice Snow
Carice Snow, Motivator, MA, California

Answered Apr 30, 2019

Teenage rebellion Is nothing new to the parenting scene. It is the severity of the act that is most important although all rebellious behaviors should not be overlooked. Driving fast, breaking curfew, arguing, and shoplifting are just a few examples of teenage parent testing; however, some kids go overboard and blatantly ignore the rules, violate laws, and often there are tragic results.

Even though it is normal for teens to want their independence and to test the authority figure, in today’s world, social pressure comes sooner than before, and it is unrelenting. Even though all teens go through changes, only 20% will rebel seriously.

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Answered Feb 07, 2018

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