Is the "casting couch" real in Hollywood? - ProProfs Discuss

Is the "casting couch" real in Hollywood?

Is the "casting couch" real in Hollywood?

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Asked by H.Donna, Last updated: Dec 30, 2024

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2 Answers

R. Hunter

R. Hunter

R. Hunter
R. Hunter

Answered Oct 21, 2019

The "casting couch," though not that elaborate, it seems real in the Hollywood industry. Casting couch refers to a circumstance when someone in power or a higher position demands sex to grant a role to the victim. However, this has been mentioned by a few actors and actresses in the Hollywood industry, while some added their complaints with a "me too" statement. The young feminine talents that are just coming in and hoping to gain ground in the industry are usually the victims of this incident. It's unfortunate how some producers and directors request for sex before they could feature an actor or actress for a role in a movie or TV show.

Some allegations have been made against a popular Hollywood producer, Harvey Weinstein, recently by some stars like Charlize Theron and Thandie Newton. Reece Witherspoon made it known that she was assaulted sexually by a Hollywood director. Jane Fonda also said she had been fired before for refusing to have sex with her boss. And many more instances like that. "Casting couch" is real!

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h. George

h. George

Government employee and a part-time content writer.

h. George
H. George, Copywriter, MA in English, California

Answered Feb 26, 2018

The casting couch in Hollywood is not a tangible item, meaning it is not an actual couch. The casting couch refers to the idea that those in power in Hollywood can trade sexual favors for acting parts in movies or television. Recently, we have seen many allegations against such people as Harvey Weinstein that show the idea of a casting couch is a real concern in Hollywood.

For many years, actors and actresses have either implied or stated directly that they were victims. The "me too" movement has recently highlighted just how many actors and actresses have been victims of the "casting couch".

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