
Japanese Culture Questions and Answers (Q&A)

E. Barnes
Answered: Sep 21, 2018
Lolita culture’s initial motive was a reaction against the strict norms that Japanese culture forced on people and the rebellion against traditional gender roles. It was an escape to...Read More

2 Answers

M. Parker, Internet Researcher
Answered: Aug 10, 2018
According to the Statistics Portal, from 2008 to 2017 the number of men who committed suicide in Japan, per 100,000 people, was as follows: 36.6, 37.6, 35.8, 33.7, 31.1, 30.3, 28.1, 27, 24.5, and...Read More

1 Answer

A. Daniels, Professor
Answered: Aug 17, 2018
Anime has been a part of Japanese culture since the early 1900’s but it really did not become an integral part until probably about the 1960’s. There was a period shortly before the...Read More

1 Answer

G. Horace, Content Developer
Answered: Aug 10, 2018
I do not think it’s necessarily true that Japanese people are not religious. According to the Government of Japan’s Agency for Cultural Affairs, there are 3 main religions in Japan:...Read More

1 Answer

G. Horace, Content Developer
Answered: Aug 10, 2018
It is incredibly sad to realize that suicide in Japan is so widespread, especially among children. According to a report from 2015, “Suicide has become Japan’s leading cause of death...Read More

1 Answer

M. Parker, Internet Researcher
Answered: Aug 10, 2018
Japanese packaged food is so good because it is typically prepared seasonally, or onsite, so you’re getting fresh ingredients. Another reason is the packaging often “maintains the...Read More

1 Answer

A. Daniels, Professor
Answered: Aug 17, 2018
At first I was going to answer this question by stating I don’t believe it’s true that Japanese people don’t accept foreigners but then I read a summary of a survey that did...Read More

1 Answer

M. Parker, Internet Researcher
Answered: Aug 10, 2018
The Shibuya junction or crossing is famous for being the “world’s busiest pedestrian crossing”. It’s apparently a popular tourist attraction although I don’t...Read More

1 Answer

A. Daniels, Professor
Answered: Aug 17, 2018
The Emperor of Japan’s birthday, which occurs every December 23rd is an occasion filled with pomp and circumstance and is carefully choreographed. The royal family, weather permitting,...Read More

1 Answer

D. Ronald, Writer
Answered: Aug 23, 2018
Having a house completely covered with tatami mats is unusual. This used to be incredibly popular because it is easy to keep clean and easy to clean when it gets dirty. However, today, a single...Read More

1 Answer

A. Daniels, Professor
Answered: Aug 17, 2018
I imagine it is hard to date a Japanese man if you are not a Japanese woman because of cultural differences and language differences that would need to be overcome. Dating when you speak the same...Read More

1 Answer

M. Parker, Internet Researcher
Answered: Aug 10, 2018
Japanese work culture has many traditional “customs” with which every foreign business visitor to Japan should be familiar. These customs can be broken into the following areas:...Read More

1 Answer

M. Parker, Internet Researcher
Answered: Aug 10, 2018
The Three Mountains of Dewa in Japan are Mount Haguro, Mount Gassan and Mount Yudono. They are considered to be one of the holiest places associated with the 1400-year old history of the Shugendo...Read More

1 Answer

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